Friday 15 March 2013

Pentre Saeson

Pentre Saeson Hall
This smaller country house at Bwlchgwyn, near Wrexham, was acquired in 1970 and opened on 27 September that year as a children's home for children younger then those at Bryn Alyn Hall. The provision was intended to be for up to 20 boys between the ages of 11 and 13 years.
However, Pentre Saeson Hall, valued at £150,000, was transferred to White senior in lieu of a three year pension on 2 February 1995.

It is currently the registered trading address for Prospects for Young People which is owned and Directed by Stephen John Elliott, former staff of Bryn Alyn Hall and Director of Bryn Alyn Community (Holdings) Ltd.
However, when Prospects was first established, it was hailed as the successor to Bersham Hall

John Allen is yet again in the full frame for abuse at this home, as is Peter Steen in regard to violence


  1. I remember it well being a resident in the 80's.
    A horrible place where children who had come from abusive families were handed over to bullies and sexual predators by the establishment via the courts. This is what used to happen to children in this country.
    There will never be true justice for the victims.

    1. i hated that place myself and the staff were evel


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