Victims snared at fair grounds
Paedophile Sidney Cooke set up his own funfair stall at fairgrounds around the country to lure his unsuspecting victims.
The 72-year-old, nicknamed Hissing Sid, used a children’s Test Your Strength machine to meet his victims and trap them into under-age sex orgies.
With his friends Robert Oliver, Lennie Smith and Leslie Bailey, former farm worker Cooke would drug the children before subjecting them to brutal assaults
Habitually dressed in a dirty suit and trilby hat, he was one of a gang in the 1980s suspected of the deaths of up to nine boys.
Operating from a flat on the Kingsmead estate in Hackney, east London, the gang hired underage male prostitutes or snatched children off the streets to torture them sexually, including Jason Swift, (pic below) a 14-year-old rent boy from Hackney.
A group of men each paid £5 to have sex with Jason in the Kingsmead flat. He was later found strangled in a shallow grave on the outskirts of London.
‘Appalling beyond belief’
Det Supt Bright of Essex Police described Cooke as “cocky and arrogant” before he eventually confessed to Jason’s killing. It was appalling beyond belief,” he said.
Det Bright described how the gang would stalk boys at fairgrounds as if they were hunting prey.
He added: “There are certain cases that you work on during your career that will never leave you. I will never forget Jason.”
Cooke was sent to prison for 19 years in 1989 for Jason’s manslaughter but managed to get his sentence reduced to 16 years and was released after nine.
Bailey named him as one of the killers of Mark Tildesley, seven, who disappeared after visiting a funfair near his home in Wokingham, Berkshire.
Police believe he was lured away from the fair by Cooke on the promise of a 50p bag of sweets.
Admired in jail
He was then tortured and killed by Cooke’s gang in a caravan in almost exactly the same way as Jason.
But in 1991 the CPS declined to prosecute Cooke for Mark’s death as he was already in prison for killing Jason.
Cooke has indicated that he knows where Mark’s body is buried but refuses to tell police or the boy’s grieving parents exactly where his grave is.
During his time in Wandsworth Prison in London Cooke was held on a special wing for sex offenders.
He became the centre of attention, admired by other paedophiles for the extent of his depravity and the lengths he was prepared to go to ensnare his victims.
Detective Constable Tina Birnie said: “He (Cooke) has been put on a pedestal because he killed all of those kids. It was a fantasy to all those paedophiles to go a bit further.”
After his release in April last year Cooke lived, at his own request, in a suite of three cells at Yeovil police station in Somerset for his own safety.
He was arrested at the police station by detectives investigating allegations of serious sexual offences.
Robert Oliver in 2006 – Bishops Lydeard - Somerset. Under the name Francis LeeJune
July 2009
Monster in the mall

A CHILD sex killer leers at a little girl as he loiters in a shopping mall — in a picture that will send shudders down the spine of every parent.
Hiding behind shades and dyed blond hair, evil Robert Oliver brazenly gazes at passing children with parents unaware he is one of Britain’s most notorious predators.
Incredibly Oliver, 58, one of a gang who raped and killed 14-year-old Jason Swift in 1985, can roam the streets at will as officials are POWERLESS to restrict his movements.
He was freed from prison after serving just over half of his sentence and now lives in a nondescript bail hostel

And he is only under supervision voluntarily because of the protection it offers HIM against revenge attacks.
The Sun watched as he left the hostel and headed into the crowded centre of Maidstone, Kent, on his own, clutching a blue and orange bag and a silver-topped walking stick.
After wandering into a few stores the monster, in casual clothes and trainers, sat on a wall near the entrance to a shopping mall to watch kids going past.
He spent 15 minutes lurking there before a security guard, unaware of his identity but suspicious of him just the same, moved him on.
He vanished into the streets again after repeatedly doubling back through nearby underpasses to throw off anyone trying to follow him.
Oliver lives off benefits at the anonymous bail hostel under the name Karl Curtis. A busy children’s park, a special school, an infants’ school and a nursery are all within 300 yards of him.
The fiend, who has also used the aliases Robert John Cook and Francis Lee, brags that he will soon be moving to a plush new home being provided for him in Lincolnshire so he can settle within another unsuspecting community.
One probation source said: “No one can quite believe the freedom Oliver has to do as he pleases. He’s hated by pretty much everyone in the hostel.
“He’s always whingeing yet he is so manipulative he usually gets what he wants. He seems to think his notoriety should give him special status.”
Oliver was part of a London-based gang known as The Dirty Dozen whose reign of terror took the lives of up to 25 young boys in the 1980s.
At his 1989 trial he was found guilty of Jason’s manslaughter and of conspiring in a serious sexual offence. He was sentenced to 15 years in jail and served eight, being released in 1997.
He is currently supervised under Mappa — Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements — administered by the Ministry of Justice.
But he is not on licence as he has served his sentence — and is not on the sex offenders register because his offences pre-dated it.
Child sex killer back in jail

A CHILD sex killer who flouted a court ban on letting kids into his home was back behind bars last night
Evil Robert Oliver — part of a gang that raped and killed 14-year-old Jason Swift — is now facing five years in jail.
He had served his sentence and was living under the name Karl Curtis.
Unsuspecting neighbouring families had befriended him and let their kids go into his bungalow which he shared with his male partner in Maidstone, Kent.
They only realised the danger when a dad became suspicious and looked him up online. He found a article online revealing Oliver was a dangerous predator.
Police were called and Oliver, 58, was arrested on Friday for breaching a Sexual Offences Prevention Order imposed two years ago barring him from allowing children into his home.
He was handed that after he broke rules for sex offenders.
Oliver pleaded guilty yesterday to two breaches and Maidstone magistrates remanded him in custody until he is sentenced at crown court.
Prosecutor Debbie Jones told the court: “He is considered a high risk.”
Oliver was part of a gang called the Dirty Dozen who drugged and raped boys at orgies in the 1980s.
They took the lives of up to 25 youngsters.
He was caged for 15 years in 1989 but released in 1997 after just eight.
Concerned dad-of-two Michael Hayward spotted our story after becoming suspicious of his neighbour’s odd behaviour.
He searched his name online and alerted a mum of three who had let her three-year-old daughter and son, 13, into his home.
He said yesterday: “Thank God for The Sun. Oliver had been breaching restrictions and yet none of us even knew who he was.
“As soon as we saw the photograph we knew it was him and realised we had to act.”
Kent Police last night said: “These concerns were dealt with as a matter of urgency and within hours an individual had been arrested.” Oliver will be sentenced at a date to be set
A CHILD sex killer who flouted a court ban on letting kids into his home was back behind bars last night
Evil Robert Oliver — part of a gang that raped and killed 14-year-old Jason Swift — is now facing five years in jail.
He had served his sentence and was living under the name Karl Curtis.
Unsuspecting neighbouring families had befriended him and let their kids go into his bungalow which he shared with his male partner in Maidstone, Kent.
They only realised the danger when a dad became suspicious and looked him up online. He found a article online revealing Oliver was a dangerous predator.
Police were called and Oliver, 58, was arrested on Friday for breaching a Sexual Offences Prevention Order imposed two years ago barring him from allowing children into his home.
He was handed that after he broke rules for sex offenders.
Oliver pleaded guilty yesterday to two breaches and Maidstone magistrates remanded him in custody until he is sentenced at crown court.
Prosecutor Debbie Jones told the court: “He is considered a high risk.”
Oliver was part of a gang called the Dirty Dozen who drugged and raped boys at orgies in the 1980s.
They took the lives of up to 25 youngsters.
He was caged for 15 years in 1989 but released in 1997 after just eight.
Concerned dad-of-two Michael Hayward spotted our story after becoming suspicious of his neighbour’s odd behaviour.
He searched his name online and alerted a mum of three who had let her three-year-old daughter and son, 13, into his home.
He said yesterday: “Thank God for The Sun. Oliver had been breaching restrictions and yet none of us even knew who he was.
“As soon as we saw the photograph we knew it was him and realised we had to act.”
Kent Police last night said: “These concerns were dealt with as a matter of urgency and within hours an individual had been arrested.” Oliver will be sentenced at a date to be set
July 2009
Monster in the mall
A CHILD sex killer leers at a little girl as he loiters in a shopping mall — in a picture that will send shudders down the spine of every parent.
Hiding behind shades and dyed blond hair, evil Robert Oliver brazenly gazes at passing children with parents unaware he is one of Britain’s most notorious predators.
Incredibly Oliver, 58, one of a gang who raped and killed 14-year-old Jason Swift in 1985, can roam the streets at will as officials are POWERLESS to restrict his movements.
He was freed from prison after serving just over half of his sentence and now lives in a nondescript bail hostel
And he is only under supervision voluntarily because of the protection it offers HIM against revenge attacks.
The Sun watched as he left the hostel and headed into the crowded centre of Maidstone, Kent, on his own, clutching a blue and orange bag and a silver-topped walking stick.
After wandering into a few stores the monster, in casual clothes and trainers, sat on a wall near the entrance to a shopping mall to watch kids going past.
He spent 15 minutes lurking there before a security guard, unaware of his identity but suspicious of him just the same, moved him on.
He vanished into the streets again after repeatedly doubling back through nearby underpasses to throw off anyone trying to follow him.
Oliver lives off benefits at the anonymous bail hostel under the name Karl Curtis. A busy children’s park, a special school, an infants’ school and a nursery are all within 300 yards of him.
The fiend, who has also used the aliases Robert John Cook and Francis Lee, brags that he will soon be moving to a plush new home being provided for him in Lincolnshire so he can settle within another unsuspecting community.
One probation source said: “No one can quite believe the freedom Oliver has to do as he pleases. He’s hated by pretty much everyone in the hostel.
“He’s always whingeing yet he is so manipulative he usually gets what he wants. He seems to think his notoriety should give him special status.”
Oliver was part of a London-based gang known as The Dirty Dozen whose reign of terror took the lives of up to 25 young boys in the 1980s.
At his 1989 trial he was found guilty of Jason’s manslaughter and of conspiring in a serious sexual offence. He was sentenced to 15 years in jail and served eight, being released in 1997.
He is currently supervised under Mappa — Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements — administered by the Ministry of Justice.
But he is not on licence as he has served his sentence — and is not on the sex offenders register because his offences pre-dated it.
December 2006
Protestors force evil paedophile out of home

A CONVICTED child killer has been forced to flee his home in Bishops Lydeard where he had been living in secret since August.
Robert Oliver, now going by the name of Francis Lee, 52, was a member of an east London paedophile gang who killed 14-year-old Jason Swift in 1985.
In 1989, Mr Oliver, his gay lover Sidney Cooke and two other gang members were convicted of the killing.
Oliver was released in Septem-ber, 1997, after serving ten years of a 15-year sentence for manslaughter.

But on Sunday his whereabouts were published by the News of the World, and angry parents and residents gathered outside his home in Darby Way the next day to stage a protest.
About 100 people set up camp outside his bungalow – located close to the local primary school and playing fields – chanting “pae-dophile out” and waving banners reading “Move the monster.”
A neighbour of Mr Oliver, Jo Smith, told the County Gazette she used to go to bingo with him on a weekly basis, oblivious to his true identity.
“He was very over-friendly – my friends and family told me not to let him in the house,” she said.
“I’m amazed he was allowed to live in such a small community. I can’t feel any sympathy for him.”
And the primary school had no idea that Mr Oliver was in the village until they read it in the press.

A younger oliver at the time of his arrest
Head teacher Mark Smith said: “It’s always a concern when somebody with a background such as this moves into the area.”
A number of parents had come to him with concerns, he added.
The mother of eight-year-old twin girls, Lynn Gilbert, said she had taken her daughters to stay with relatives as soon as she lear-ned that Mr Oliver was in the village.
She said: “Hundreds of children play out here and his house is right near the football club. He has no place in society at all.”
About 20 police officers pat-rolled the area surrounding Mr Ol-iver’s home, and after eight hours of protests they were able to get him out.
At 8.40pm Mr Oliver walked out of the house relatively unseen via the back door, wearing a dark hooded top and carrying a holdall.
Angry residents threw eggs and shouted abuse as Mr Oliver got into the back of a van and was ta-ken away by police to an un-known location.
Supt Gary Davies said: “We ap-preciate the concerns the community have had about what is obviously a very emotive issue.
“Rest assured, police, the probation service and other agencies have been working with the individual concerned to ensure that he was effectively managed in the community.
“The man in question is no lon-ger in Bishops Lydeard and I’d appeal for calm in the village.
“We have strong and long-lasting links with the local community, and would hope we can maintain these relationships and build upon them in future.
“We’ve already had a number of extra patrols in the village talking to the local community.
“As a local force committed to creating safer, stronger neighbourhoods, support from villages like Bishops Lydeard is vital to lo-cal policing in the area.”
Protestors force evil paedophile out of home
A CONVICTED child killer has been forced to flee his home in Bishops Lydeard where he had been living in secret since August.
Robert Oliver, now going by the name of Francis Lee, 52, was a member of an east London paedophile gang who killed 14-year-old Jason Swift in 1985.
In 1989, Mr Oliver, his gay lover Sidney Cooke and two other gang members were convicted of the killing.
Oliver was released in Septem-ber, 1997, after serving ten years of a 15-year sentence for manslaughter.
But on Sunday his whereabouts were published by the News of the World, and angry parents and residents gathered outside his home in Darby Way the next day to stage a protest.
About 100 people set up camp outside his bungalow – located close to the local primary school and playing fields – chanting “pae-dophile out” and waving banners reading “Move the monster.”
A neighbour of Mr Oliver, Jo Smith, told the County Gazette she used to go to bingo with him on a weekly basis, oblivious to his true identity.
“He was very over-friendly – my friends and family told me not to let him in the house,” she said.
“I’m amazed he was allowed to live in such a small community. I can’t feel any sympathy for him.”
And the primary school had no idea that Mr Oliver was in the village until they read it in the press.
A younger oliver at the time of his arrest
Head teacher Mark Smith said: “It’s always a concern when somebody with a background such as this moves into the area.”
A number of parents had come to him with concerns, he added.
The mother of eight-year-old twin girls, Lynn Gilbert, said she had taken her daughters to stay with relatives as soon as she lear-ned that Mr Oliver was in the village.
She said: “Hundreds of children play out here and his house is right near the football club. He has no place in society at all.”
About 20 police officers pat-rolled the area surrounding Mr Ol-iver’s home, and after eight hours of protests they were able to get him out.
At 8.40pm Mr Oliver walked out of the house relatively unseen via the back door, wearing a dark hooded top and carrying a holdall.
Angry residents threw eggs and shouted abuse as Mr Oliver got into the back of a van and was ta-ken away by police to an un-known location.
Supt Gary Davies said: “We ap-preciate the concerns the community have had about what is obviously a very emotive issue.
“Rest assured, police, the probation service and other agencies have been working with the individual concerned to ensure that he was effectively managed in the community.
“The man in question is no lon-ger in Bishops Lydeard and I’d appeal for calm in the village.
“We have strong and long-lasting links with the local community, and would hope we can maintain these relationships and build upon them in future.
“We’ve already had a number of extra patrols in the village talking to the local community.
“As a local force committed to creating safer, stronger neighbourhoods, support from villages like Bishops Lydeard is vital to lo-cal policing in the area.”
Robert oliver should be locked away for the rest of his life! Not 5 years to then get out and do it again! I knew this monster yet no1 knew anything! He was around my 2 year old son and we didn't know a thing! He for a while has been doing bootfairs with his male partner (cousin) and thinking bout him being near and around all those kids makes me sick!
ReplyDeletetell me his address please
DeleteNo. This is not a vigilante site.
DeleteDeath by firing squad for all of these monsters.
ReplyDeleteA year and a half down the line and I can now categorically confirm there were more than a dozen in their immediate network.
ReplyDeletesidney cooke robert oliver and stephen burrell killed lots off children and lots off adtemped abductions one by possing as plain clothes police man
ReplyDeletesidney cooke span off child killings date back from the mid 40s to 1985
Cooke had a waltzer,not a "test your strength machine for kids".
ReplyDeleteHe was also a chauffeur for a luxury car company...which is how it links him to the martin allen disappearance.
I remember Jason Swift. I moved from Zambia to London in 1983, and his death occurred just two years after. My own sons were young then, and I think the horror of his lonely, despicable death fell on me like a ton of bricks. He was too young to be desolate, he was certainly too young to die, and so horribly. He had fallen through any safety net put out there by community services, education and health services. His death was a tragedy which remains with me - even after my return to poverty-stricken Africa, and an international career trying to stem the tide of HIV and Aids. I have never forgotten his story, and for me Jason Swift is a symbol of the very great sorrow which inevitably travels with humanity. CEC
ReplyDeleteI think all the others that help kill Jason,should have been strangled to death like Leslie bailey.Just let me see one of those guys,They will get a board slammed across thier evil psychopath faces.Anyone who knows of where they are,should do what you can to them before they die peaceful old deaths,unlike all their victims.Who were as scared as you could be,knowing your life is in the hands of monsters who are using you and are about to kill you.I WANT THESE PIECES OF SH_T DEAD!!!!!