By Paul Kent From: The Daily Telegraph May 08, 2010 12:00AM
She was the world's most sought after child porn victim, a Russian girl - with links to Sydney.
For more than 10 years the little girl known worldwide as Sandra eluded authorities as she was exploited on the internet by a network of paedophiles who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to view her images online.
The case was finally cracked by Australian Federal Police after a 15-month investigation.
They were stunned to learn the bagman for the international network was living near Penrith.
Yesterday, Paul Randal Dennison, 47, of Emu Heights, was jailed for three years and four months after pleading guilty to two counts of using a carriage service to make child pornography available, possessing child pornography and two counts of using a carriage service to access child pornography.Dennison also pleaded guilty to dealing in the proceeds of crime after almost $700,000 from around the world passed through his Westpac account.
Also found on his computer were the controversial images of naked children shot by Sydney artist Bill Henson, for which he was not charged.
The leniency of the penalty stunned many at the sentencing.
Dennison told police he believed he was helping the girls by passing on the money, a remark that prompted judge Anthony Blackmore to describe him as "deluded".
"In my view he was sufficiently intelligent to recognise that he was both morally and, importantly, criminally wrong," he said.
Judge Blackmore declared he needed to send a strong message against child pornography, before issuing the relatively light sentence in which, with parole, Dennison could be out in two years.
"The comments by the judge show the severity of the particular issue and the AFP supports the comments of the judge - that he's talking about the matter being very severe," AFP Assistant Commissioner Neil Gaughan said.
After one of the most significant arrests in Australian policing, Russian authorities shut the site and are in the process of arresting two men, known as Boris and Vlad, who exploited Sandra, and two other young girls, since she began modelling in 1998.
Those listed below where part of Operation Achilles as these where mentioned in the report and that the Australian police where involved surrouning the Young Video Models (YVM) in Belgium and girl called Daphne and others as mentioned Operation Video Child.
The notorious paedophile Peter Boil (real name unkown) St. Petersburg Moscow and russian mafia. Very little information about him and is connected to YVM.
Operation Video Child
Operation Koala
Operation Hammer2 Brittons where arrested in Operation Achilles
In which had ties to Britain, Belgium, Italy, United States, Germany, Russia and Australia. The case involved a video whereby the Russian Paedophile Mafia where in the audience and all the other Paedophiles were there as ‘paying guests’ to ‘sex shows’ involing children.
Apart from this case, am sure there is many other cases where the elite either pay or a guests to these sick ‘sex shows’
Sergio Marzola Jailed
Peter Boil is connected to YVM? PLEASE let it be true! I hope he made videos of him fucking Nadia, Anghelina, Kate, Vera, etc.