Tuesday 8 October 2013

Southwark And Bryn Alyn

Social Work Today, 1st July 1985 (ocr)
Hollies children: were they put at risk?
A private home used by Southwark council to place children moved from the Hollies during the residential dispute is under investigation following allegations of assault by a member of staff on a child at the home.
The privately-run independent home, Bryn Alyn at Wrexham, North Wales, took in some children after social services managers cleared the Hollies during the residential dispute in 1983.
Gwen James from Voice for the Child in Care said this move was "diabolical."
She was concerned that the children had not been given a chance to say whether they wanted to go to a home so far from London. Also the sudden move to a home for disturbed young people, could have meant that children who were not severely disturbed were being placed inappropriately.
Southwark Council is reviewing its policy of placing children at the home as part of a full scale review of residential provision. According to Dennis Simpson, director of social services, both he and councillors were surprised to find Southwark had spent £369,000 on placements at the home during 1984-85.
Children have been placed there partly because of industrial action during the residential dispute but also because some homes in the borough are being refurbished.
Mr Simpson, who took up the director's post in April, has ordered a full review of children at Bryn Alyn which will be presented to the next meeting of the social services committee.
"I suspect in the first instance they would have been surprised at the move. But the kind of information coming back is that it has been a suitable placement".
The latest .allegation, that one boy had been assaulted by a member of staff is being thoroughly investigated. "We are obviously taking it very seriously," said Mr Simpson. The boy is no longer at the home.
Stephen Elliott, deputy director of Bryn Alyn, said: "In any situation where allegations and complaints are made by youngsters, each one is viewed very seriously. We are investigating the matter jointly with Southwark"

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