Saturday, 1 June 2013

Lost After Care: The Care Standards Act 2000

Published by the Office of Keith Towler, the Children's Commissioner for Wales produced the following report...

Lost After Care

This publication is dedicated to the memory of Sir Ronald Waterhouse who passed away on 8 May 2011. Sir Ronald`s three year inquiry into child abuse in north Wales led to the publication of Lost In Care in February 2000. Described at the time as a landmark report it focussed on widespread abuse in the care system and led to wide ranging positive changes for children in care including the creation of the post of Children’s Commissioner for Wales in 2001.

There is a set of laws, including the Care Standards Act 2000 and Children’s Commissioner for Wales Act 2001, which explains the role and responsibilities of the Commissioner.
We want to see Wales as a country where children and young people are respected, valued, listened to and supported to lead safe and happy lives. There’s a team of people who work with Keith – in Swansea and Colwyn Bay - to help him:

  • support children and young people to find out about children’s rights
  • listen to children and young people to find out what’s important to them
  • advise children, young people and those who care for them if they feel they’ve got nowhere else to go with their problems
  • influence government and other organisations who say they’re going to make a difference to children’s lives, making sure they keep their promises to children and young people
  • speak up for children and young people nationally on important issues – being the children’s champion in Wales.

You can find and download copies of all our reports on our website:

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